I went in for my interview today, and I think it went really well! The owner and I talked a lot about various concerns and expectations. With everything that we covered, she is sure to have a good idea of my culinary background and experience. She also knows what my goals are. I feel pretty confident about how the interview went, but I won't know whether or not I got the job until next week. There are a few people they called that haven't called back yet and there's one person that she won't get to interview until next week. There is also a possibility that I could have to preform an audition of sorts. So, we'll see. But I still feel really good about it. It's the longest interview I've ever had and I'm taking that as a good sign. She genuinely enjoyed talking with me.

I'm a little frustrated I have to wait until next week, but what can you do? Other than keep searching for other options, I'm going to keep cooking, keep eating, and keep blogging! I'm going to start incorporating a new element to my blog posts. It may not happen with every post, but I'd like to use this once a week. Now I should explain what it is, right? Right.
In Food & Wine magazine the editor-in-chief, Dana Cowin, starts everything off with a letter to her readers about that particular issue. In a small column on the side she tells us what restaurants she's eaten in lately in her "Where I'm Coming From" section. I'd like to do something similar. Now, I'm not a jet setting editor-in-chief in one of the most popular food periodicals out there, but I'm a budding chef and I do eat out at least once a week. So I will share where I'm coming from if I eat something or somewhere new, but I'll also share an ingredient or a dish that I've had or made recently. I suppose it's not a really big deal, but when I read my F&W every month, that little column is something I really looking forward to reading. And now, I'm looking forward to writing my own version.
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